Welcome to Eastfield Crossing

Eastfield Crossing is a community of 45 homes sharing 70 acres of common land on a site by the South Branch of the Ashuelot River in the Town of Swanzey, New Hampshire. Town of Swanzey website

Situated in rural New Hampshire, the community boasts woods, meadows, and open spaces in addition to the riverside. Deer, wild turkeys, and the occasional bear roam these woods to the delight of residents who enjoy their private sanctuary.

Water and sewer services are provided to the homes in the community through community wells and septic systems.

Homeowners in the community are invited to login for access to a listing of Homeowners, Minutes from the Annual Meeting and Board of Director Meetings, and Frequently Asked Questions.





Carolyn Noah



Danielle Ruffo



Susan Menees


Architectural Comm.:

Send to member of BOD


3 Bellview Dr. Swanzey NH 03446

Eastfield Crossing